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EARLY EDITION 18:00 Korean health authorities believe MERS spread on decline
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 Korean health authorities believe MERS spread on decline
EARLY EDITION 18:00 MERS patient contracts virus outside ER
Korean health authorities believe MERS spread on decline 방역당국, ″메르스 진정세로
EARLY EDITION 18:00 Number of confirmed MERS cases rises to 154, with 19 deaths
EARLY EDITION 18:00 Korea declares de facto end to MERS outbreak
EARLY EDITION 18:00 WHO Director General assesses MERS situation in Korea
EARLY EDITION 18:00 No confirmed MERS case in Korea for first time in 16 days
EARLY EDITION 18:00 Korea lays out US$10.5 bill. extra budget plan to boost growth, deal with MERS
EARLY EDITION 18:00 'Super-spreaders' suffered from pneumonia, took longer to detect MERS virus
EARLY EDITION 18:00 MERS outbreak: Korea reports 9 deaths, 108 cases
EARLY EDITION 18:00 Rival parties hail passage of pension bill